In the deadly cold winter of 2014, Black Lung emerged from the underbelly of Baltimore with unprecedented volume. A union of Adam Bufano, Elias Mays Schutzman (of The Flying Eyes) and multi-instrumentalist Dave Cavalier, the trio toes the line between sonic pain and melodic bliss. With influences ranging from the raw blues of The White Stripes to the desert riffage of Queens Of The Stone Age, Black Lung seeks to create a sound that is as soulful as it is heavy. After releasing their self-titled debut (Grimoire Records/Noisolution) and being named “Best New Band of 2014” by the Baltimore City Paper, they embarked on a three week tour of Europe in the spring of 2015, centered around their performance at the Rockpalast Crossroads Festival (filmed and recorded for German national TV). Black Lung are now headed into the studio with producer and ex-Jawbox frontman J. Robbins (The Sword, Clutch) to begin work on their second album…