DAAU – celebrating 25 years of DAAU with a new album & a new tour.
In 2017, Antwerp based DAAU, formerly known as Die Anarchistische Abendunterhaltung will be celebrating it’s 25 yrs. Jubilee.
Radical Duke/ Excelsior Recordings will be releasing a brand new album in April 2017 to celebrate this anniversary – and it won’t be your average studio album.
For this opportunity, ex-dEUS guitarist Rudy Trouvé – still a highly respected musician/Producer in Antwerp & beyond – took up the role as a curator. He dug through the band’s repertoire and selected a number of tracks which will be re-recorded with the new band. Call it as you wish, this new album will be some sort of an anthology; aged through years of experience, personal growth and probably even wisdom.
Release of this album is planned for April 2017. An extended tour will set off from April 1st onwards. The band promises a dynamic live set, combining the energy of their early days with the refinement of the latter period. The music will take you from ecstasy to sweet emotions and back again. Also : there will be visuals. By Rudy Trouvé.
When the four original members first got together in 1992, they were young peeps with classical instruments, jazz skills and a punky attitude about to discover the world for the first time in their young lives. The band took a quickstart in the slipstream of international attention for the Antwerp music scene, spearheaded by dEUS & Moondog Jr. and traveled Europe from North to South to perform their music.
After a cricital acclaimed debut album, the band signed to SonyClassical until 2002, when they decided to set up their own label Radical Duke Entertainment.
DAAU are an act that has managed to re-invent themselves with each album. From ‘new classic’ music on their debutalbum to almost ‘free jazz’ on ‘Domestic Wildlife’ – the repertoire has a sheer endless variation and richess. As Simon Lenski, original cello player, once put it: ‘we prefer to wander on smaller roads and mountain paths rather than follow the highways’.