Kid Simius, born José Antonio García Soler hails from Granada in the South of Spain. For many, the 26-year-old Berlin resident‘s name probably rings a bell through his affiliation with German hip hop overlord Marteria. An integral part of the rapper‘s crew for the last four years, Kid Simius‘ role extends from producer to live-keyboarder, creative sparring companion, partner-in-party-crime and friend. His own musical history, however, reaches back much further. Growing up in Granada, Kid Simius was raised on music. Be it as part of an electro punk band or by crafting sound collages in his living room that were equal parts DJ Shadow and Ennio Morricone.
His first encounter with the Marteria posse happened to be one of coincidence. Their paths crossed during an exchange semester in Oslo, in the dull environs of a waiting line for student housing. A friendship soon developed, and in the flash of an impulse, Kid Simius decided to move to „Green Berlin“ practically over night. Less than two weeks passed before Kid Simius found himself in band practice for Marteria‘s nationwide tour. „Back then I had no clue about anything,“ says Kid Simius. „All I knew was that I really wanted to do this music thing.“ And that‘s just what he did.